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30 August 2004

True Sportsmanship

If you happened to watch the coverage of the Olympic Marathon yesterday, you may have noticed Vanderlei de Lima of Brazil, leading with only a few miles to go. In a bizarre turn of events, he was jumped by (and I'm not making this up) a defrocked priest wearing:

a green beret, red kilt and green knee-high socks.

De Lima was able to wriggle his way free of the past-priest, but not until his lead, and composure, had been whittled away.

I thought de Lima would be livid if he didn't maintain his lead and win the race.

It turns out de Lima took 3rd (the bronze) behind S. Baldini of Italy and Meb Keflezighi of the U.S.

This is what he had to say at the conclusion of the race:

"I think the Olympic spirit prevailed and I prevailed. I was able to show that determination wins races," de Lima said after receiving his bronze.

"Never mind the result of the appeal," he said. "I'm very happy to have won this medal."

Read more.

Of course the Brazilian track federation filed protest on de Lima's behalf. However, I was awestruck by this athelete's graciousness and perspective on the situation.

Viva Brasil!

Pic (de Lima is on right)


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