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16 September 2004

Help! I need a (good) white wine under $10

A friend of mine is getting married.  Of course he wants to serve wine - good wine.  One problem though; he can't spend more than ten-bucks per bottle.  He already has the red wine selected, but he asked me today to recommend a cheap, good white wine.  No Problem.

So, the question 'o the day is:
Is it possible to get a good, cheap white wine?

The answer is most definitely yessirreee.  In fact, for under ten $, you can do better than 'good.'

Here's a little old list of mighty fine white wine under 10 clams:


1.  Segura Viudas Brut Reserva Cava ($9) - It's bubbly.  It's really good.  And it will put everyone in a festive mood (except for those bubbly-scrooges, who, by the way, I don't trust at all.  I mean; who doesn't like bubbly??).

2.  Cuevas de Castilla Rueda, '02 ($7) - Think of it as a cross between Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc.  If you're planning on serving crabcakes, shrimp or even fish sticks, this is the cheap white wine for you.

3.  Fairview Goats do Roam Blanc, '03 ($9) - I know, I know.  Goats do Roam is a lame joke on ''Cotes du Rhone."  However, this is a nice bottle of wine.  It's aromatic, full(ish) bodied and silky smooth in the mouth.  This wine would be a good choice if you are serving it w/o food (i.e. it's a nice aperitif wine).

Of course there are dozens of very good, cheap, tasty whites around.  If you can't find any of these, ask your friendly neighborhood wine guy/lady.  Most wine store folks are dying to help you find something tasty.


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