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19 November 2004

Barbera d'Asti

Look out your window.  Is it foggy?  Raining?  Snowing?  If so, perhaps you're in the mood for a "brooding" wine.  I refer to wines as "brooding" when they have deep colors, full scents and a somewhat complex character..  These sorts of wines make me want to slip into a velvet smoking jacket, pour the wine into a giant glass, swirl it around and pretend to be sophisticated.

PiedmontmapI was suprised that Ca' Bianca Barbera d'Asti (2001) fits this bill.  It's from the Piedmont of Northwestern Italy.  The grape variety is Barbera (grown near the town of Asti; click on map, at right).

Cabianca_barbera_1The Skinny
Ca' Bianca Barbera d'Asti '01 ($13)
Deep maroon in color
Full scents of cherry, redcurrant, blueberry and cedar-wood
Moderate body, with noticeable acidity and light tannins
***.5 (3.5 stars out of 5)


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