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23 November 2004

Givin' Thanks Bevs

What will be on your table this Thursday?

Turkey + Stuffing1thanks_1
Cranberry sauce
Creamed onions
Sweet potatoes
Mashed potatoes
Green beans

So is there a wine that can handle all of this?  I think there are four easy-to-find wines that will make all your little pilgrims happy

1.  Alsatian Gewurztraminer (try Trimbach or Perrin)
2.  Beaujolais Cru (try Brouilly, Chenas or Moulin a Vent)
3.  Italian Prosecco (Zardetto, Mionetto, Nino Franco are all good bets)
4.  Pinot Noir (Be careful Pinot is a finicky grape; Pinots from Oregon & New Zealand are reasonably priced)

When all else fails, ask your neighborhood wine store guy/lady.  And for all those under-age & non-drinking pilgrims, try Kristian Regale Swedish Pear Sparkler - it's actually quite good.


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