Beringer Chenin Blanc
Wow. I'm a Beringer convert. This Chenin Blanc cost me five bucks & tasted yummy. I've you've never tried Chenin Blanc, this is a great (and cheap) wine with which to begin.
The Skinny
Beringer Chenin Blanc '02 ($5) California
Light gold in color
White peach scents coupled with citrus and some honey
Simple, light, and well-balanced.
****(4 stars out of 5)
Try it with Asian spareribs - or something with those tangy-sweet-spicy flavors
Hi from Japan. One of my friend used to live in west coast in states, and he met "Beringer Chanin Blanc".
He said it was really cheap, but very very tasteful.
He seemed like enjoy drinking it every night!!!
Ever since, he kept looking for it here in Japan, but we never found yet :(
Hope I visit there someday and get it :)
Posted by: colors-yan | 23 May 2005 at 12:59 AM
I've had it once at someone's house and it was really very very good. But I can't find it-I live in hawaii-does anybody out there know where I can find it?
Posted by: Judy Kocis | 05 November 2009 at 03:18 PM