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13 December 2004

Riesling, Unscrewed

I was poking around at the wine store on Friday night and ran across something interesting.  I noticed a bottle of German Riesling with, what appeared to be, a screwcap.  The bottle's neck was covered in foil, and the screwcap was much smaller than the Stelvin closures common on many NZ & Aussie wines.  My curiosity got the best of me and I took this mystery bottle home.

After removing the foil, I discovered that, indeed this bottle had a screwcap.  It was very slim and unobtrusive.  I liked the fact that it was hidden under the foil - so as not to draw attention to the absence of a cork (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Who is the bold German Weinguter producing this capped Riesling?  It's made by Mönchof's Robert Eymael.

Monchhof_estaterThe Skinny 
Mönchof Robert Eymael Estate Riesling, '02 ($14)
Light, white gold color
Easy, laid-back Riesling scents:  peach, pear, honey, Granny Smith Apple
A well-balanced wine.  There is definitely sweetness in the glass, but it's offset with enough crisp acidity to avoid "Blue Nun territory."  A surprisingly long finish.


*** (3 stars out of 5)

A very nice aperitif wine.  It will pair nicely with salads also.



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