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10 January 2005

Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio

From Leo Locascio's site:

"Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio is so named for the legend of Christ's ascension into heaven and his emotion upon seeing the beauty of the Bay of Naples beneath him. The grape, Piedirosso [literally 'red feet'], is a typical grape of this area; ....Deep ruby red color, intense fruity nose, mainly cherry and blackberry. Soft and round with a pleasing tannic finish."Italy_campania

The Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio DOC is in Campania (front laces of Italy's boot).  Last night I uncorked a 1998 bottle of this wine made by Feudi di San Gregorio (which, apparently no longer produces this wine).  It was a lovely, unique wine, which paired quite well with pork (sub'd for veal) chops + radicchio, white beans, & rosemary.

LacrymalabelThe Skinny
Feudi di San Gregorio DOC Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio, '98 (~$20)
From Campania, Italy
Subdued, red in color with a wide rim of garnet; moderate color intensity (semi-opaque)
'Aged' scents of fig, clove, cedar wood, blackberry, along with a subtle floral character
Evolved flavors of earth, dried fruit.  Somewhat light-bodied, with a crisp character and lengthy finish.
****.5 (4.5 stars out of 5)


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hello...i would really like to know where i could buy this wine ..can u help? its the lacryma christi del vesvuio 1998 thank you so much

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