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03 January 2005

This Loon Really Does Smoke!

I've let cartoon wines into my life.  So now I suppose I must drink even more wine.  It's tough.

Smokingloonsyrah_1The Skinny
Smoking Loon Syrah, '02 ($8)
From California; produced by D. Sebastiani & Sons
Deep ruby red in color
Big and fruity (red cherries, red plums, raspberries) scents coupled with some pepper & vanilla (hello, French Oak)
Suprisingly less fruity than I expected in the mouth.  It's simple and bold, yes.  However, this Syrah offers a zip of spice along with a *kerwang* of tannin, which allows it to be less-than-hostile towards food
***.5 (3.5 stars out of 5)

Try it with barbecued ribs, pizza, and/or tomato sauce-based pasta dishes


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