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07 March 2005

An Omen?

OuijaI enjoy exploring South African Wines.  However, there is one brand with which I must have some cosmic-astrological-karmic tension - KWV

Exhibit A
The very first wine I was going to review on this site was KWV Sauvignon Blanc.  I opened it, took one sniff and discovered it was corked.

Exhibit B
I sat down last Friday evening to do my taxes, opened a bottle of KWV Cabernet Sauvignon and it was... corked.  Not only did I fear this as  a bad tax-omen, but I couldn't fathom how I could be two for two on corked bottles of KWV.  Eeeriee.

PuffadderI'm not saying KWV has a higher incidence of TCA (the corked wine culprit) than any other producer.  I'm just sayin that I wouldn't be suprised to have a puff adder spring out of the next bottle of KWV I try to open.


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You may be on to something actually. I've had several bottles of KVW's Steen (Chenin Blanc) and while not ALL of them were least two were.

Never tried any of the other wines though...


Hmm. I don't mean to cast any aspersions. It does seem odd though.

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