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25 April 2005

2 quickTakes: one hit/one miss

Logowind_5_2First the miss (just a slight miss) -
Treana Central Coast 'Mer Soleil Vineyard' '01 ($23).  This big 'un is 39% Marsanne and 61% Viognier.  Smells delicious - apricot, peach, honey, flowers.  Yet, as a food wine it's a bit overthetop.  That said; it's a-OK by itself.  The reason?  Full-body, lots of alcohol, and lowish acidity.  It clashed with my meal, but was perfectly fine (and mouthiflling) as a solo sip. 

Now the Hit -
Montes Alpha Syrah, '00 ($17).  Not an XL Syrah; yet not a wimp by any means.  One of my favorite Chileans to date.  Black plums, pepper, and some sweet spice.  Solidly balanced in the mouth with pro-food tannins and a luxurious finish.  Would that more sub-$20 Syrahs could be so lovely.


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Hey Beau, what did you drink the Treana with?


Bill -

I tried it with a very mild Pad Thai: didn't work; made the mouth feel a little hot.

I also tried it with roasted chicken: passable, but I couldn't say that it complimented the food. In fact, I couldn't say I really tasted much of the chicken.

However, alone, it was a nice exotic sip. But to have wine w/o food? That's kind of sad.


lobster perhaps?


Hmm. Lobster..what a good idea. Bill you should run a restaurant or something! :)

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