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27 June 2005

White Graves II

This is the second white Bordeaux from the Graves Appellation reviewed in a week.

The Skinny
ChateaugaubertBenjamin de Vieux Chateau Gaubert, '01 ($18)

  • 70% Semillon and 30% Sauvignon Blanc from the Graves appellation in Bordeaux, France
  • Straw-yellow in color with a distinct, yet watery rim
  • Pear and citrus scents mixed with a definite vanilla accent due to oak barrel soakin'
  • Medium-bodied with enough acidity to balance the heavy-ish alcohol content and oaky weight.  A pleasant, lingering finish

*** (3 stars out of 5)

This is a well-made wine.  However, to my taste, the vanilla-cream character, from oak barrel fermentation, crowds out the fruit scents and flavors.  Some might like this, others; perhaps not.  It wasn't too intense for food.  In fact it was fine with roasted turkey breast.


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