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21 June 2005

Wine. As easy as ABC

3glasses_1Hello SLC Wine Fans,

Today's Announcement is brought to you by the number "7."

7; as in the number of days until the Basic Juice class, "Wine ABCs" (June 28th, 6:30pm, Gygi Culinary Center - 3500 S 300 W).  Build yourself a solid wine foundation with this class.  And hey, if you've got a friend who still drinks wine with a straw, tell them about the class - they'll surely thank you.

The class cost is $40.  You can sign up via email ([email protected]).  There are a few spots remaining.  And did you know today's announcement is sponsored by the letter, "L?"

L; as in LUXE wine.  Have you ever wondered what that certain pricey bottle of wine tastes like? Wonder no more. Sample five of the world's classiest, most luxurious wines without emptying your bank account. Learn how to select "Luxe Wine" and which foods compliment these diamonds of the wine world. Mmmm liquid luxury.  This class is coming up on July 12th.  Click here to get more information.

Cheers and stay cool!

Beau Jarvis
Basic Juice - make wine work for you!

BasicJuice - Yum, fresh wineblog


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