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01 August 2005

BJ+1 Year: the Top 20 (4-1)

#4 is the third in a three part series called, "Spice World."  Southwest/Tex-Mex, Asian, and Savory-spiced dishes can clobber an unsuspecting wine.  I tried to save a few timid wines and some innocent taste buds here.

Have you heard the one about the Austrian winemakers standing around a stalled car?  It's a cheap joke, but we can all laugh about it now.  The Austrians have managed to become premiere stylists of unique and mouthwatering wines.  Austrian wine, is indeed, no joke (#3).

What if there was a wine news program modeled after The Daily ShowRead #2 and imagine the humorous possibilities.

One_romnumeral_1And, at #1:  Take your favorite author, hand her/him a bottle of wine, and let the wine review flow.  Wallace on Wine is the post I most enjoy reading out of the four-hundred-seventy-some odd entries on Basic Juice, a one-year old wine blog.


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[Source: basicJuice] quoted: Southwest/Tex-Mex, Asian, and Savory-spiced dishes can clobber an unsuspecting wine. I tried to save a few timid wines and some innocent taste buds here. [Read More]


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