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09 August 2005

The 50 States

50states30 Year old Sufjan Stevens, anti-folk folk artist, is attempting to chronicle all 50 states in song.  So far he's got:

  1. Michigan (from which he hails)
  2. Illinois (AKA Sufjan Stevens invites you to, "Come on, feel the Illinoise!"

Yes, this all sounds gimicky/kitschy/silly.  Yet the man can play some seriously inventive music.  Give him a listen.


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One of the guys from They Might Be Giants did just this kind of thing a few years ago, calling it "State Songs." But then again, that project isn't exactly what I'd call anti-folk folk...


Based in large part on the very positive reviews on the recent release re: the state of my birth (Illinois-e), I checked out Sufjan's state albums. Very good - reminds me of the slightly more experimental but not terribly different Jim O'Rourke, based out of Chicago. Definitely worth looking into if you find you like Stevens's stuff!

(Lucky me, I found out Sufjan is in town in a couple of weeks and got tickets to see him with the Danielson Famile as an opening act (another great band)).


I've heard of Jim o'Rourke, but actually haven't heard
his music. I'll see if I can track down some songs.

Sufjan played here live about a month ago. The club
had no air conditioning or fans and the temp had to
have been 110F inside. I sweated a few songs out and
then went outside to hear the rest through the
windows. A good show (although mighty uncomfortable).

Let me know how the show is.



Anti-folk folk artist that's something new. Never heard of him.

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