Eels: Electric & Music
The electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is one of the most bizarre creatures of the fish clan (ray-finned fish of the class Actinopterygii). The e-Eel can indeed deliver a shock of up to 600 volts. So if you happen to go a-wading in the Amazon, watch your toes.
Electric eels use stacked plates (think: an EverReady battery), called electroplaques, to produce an electrical charge. Their ability to zap is employed primarily for hunting and occasionally for self-defense. Eels generate enough voltage to stun prey. Odd creatures, indeed.
Why did I just write 2 paragraphs about electric eels? Partially because I'm a zoology-nerd and partially because I just re-discovered Eels (the band)
Eels, led by E (Oliver Everett), have been releasing music since 1992. And to prove that I'm unbearably unhip, I didn't even know the band existed until a couple years ago. Their current release, "Blink Lights and Other Revelations" is bluesy, earthy, and slightly Doors-y. I'm now turned onto their 2002 album, "Souljacker." The tune Jungle Telegraph immediately stands out. It's a genre-blurring gemish of musical styles along with a cacophony of sounds. I'm happy now; I'm hip to Eels (musical and electric).
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