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24 September 2005

Weekend Wine Media Snark

Mighty_mouse_1Is it me or does Dr. Vinny, Wine Spectator's new answer-critter, look as if he's stolen Mighty Mouse's outfit (and perhaps the bow tie from James Suckling)?  I'm not sure about you, but I hesitate to ask a rodent any wine-related questions.  Really what on earth does a mouse have to do with wine?  I think they should have gone with, "Ask Sammy the Sharpshooter."



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OOO, tetchy mood this morning... hungover? ;-)


It's actually not a bad three-times-a-week column. The questions asked/answered are somewhat basic, but nonetheless, there have been some decent Q&A's in the last year or so (I think the archives go back to January).


I wasn't commenting on the content so much as the silly mighty mouse look-alike. Just a little snark, nothin serious :)

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