Lupa Moblogging
Wine Moblogging from Lupa in the Village
Montefalco Rosso Scacciadiavoli 2003 (from Umbria) [photo w/o flash]
+ Bleu = extended finish, pleasantly funky
+ Aged Provolone = Big creaminess & funk
+ Parmiggano = "eh"
Many thanks to Kevin for introducing us to several interesting wines - including a Nebbiolo Rosado, Sicilian Cannanau (AKA Grenache), Sud Tirol Goldmuskateller, and an Oltrepo Pavese from Lombardia (with saltimbocca...yum).
Friday onto Long Island!
Lupa's wine list is great, isn't it? Lots of terrific stuff at $25 a bottle, and pretty much all of it well-chosen for taste, pairing with the food, and quality for the price. Wish every restaurant had this philosophy!
Posted by: Terry Hughes | 18 October 2005 at 03:00 PM
I really think Lupa & Otto 'get it.' Even in New York, people will go gaga for reasonably priced, food-friendly wine.
I'm now setting my sites on Babo (though that may have to come after the all the clamouring for tables has susbided a bit)
Posted by: beau | 18 October 2005 at 06:22 PM