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13 October 2005

Lupa Moblogging

Wine Moblogging from Lupa in the Village


Montefalco Rosso Scacciadiavoli 2003 (from Umbria) [photo w/o flash]

+ Bleu = extended finish, pleasantly funky
+ Aged Provolone = Big creaminess & funk
+ Parmiggano = "eh"

Many thanks to Kevin for introducing us to several interesting wines - including a Nebbiolo Rosado, Sicilian Cannanau (AKA Grenache), Sud Tirol Goldmuskateller, and an Oltrepo Pavese from Lombardia (with saltimbocca...yum).

Friday onto Long Island!


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Terry Hughes

Lupa's wine list is great, isn't it? Lots of terrific stuff at $25 a bottle, and pretty much all of it well-chosen for taste, pairing with the food, and quality for the price. Wish every restaurant had this philosophy!


I really think Lupa & Otto 'get it.' Even in New York, people will go gaga for reasonably priced, food-friendly wine.

I'm now setting my sites on Babo (though that may have to come after the all the clamouring for tables has susbided a bit)

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