Spot the Sicilian Cliché
After reading Laurie Daniel's column, I''m zeroing in on the wine clichés that leap from vintner's mouths. For example, today I was reading an interesting article on Sicilian wines in the Wine News, when lo and behold, this little cliché popped up:
"Our goal isn't to make wines that impress wine critics, but to make wine that expresses our great terroir."
Other than the occasional cliché, the article is quite good. I'm especially interested in the efforts of Sicilian winemakers to produce serious single-varietal Nero d'Avola. And then there's the up and coming vinos from Mt. Etna. I look for Sicily to wow me for years to come.
I wonder how many wineries have a goal for their wines to be "able to age gracefully for 20-40 years."?
Posted by: Jack | 24 October 2005 at 08:22 AM
Probably very few. But they all seem to use the cliche: "Our goal isn't to make wines that impress wine critics."
Posted by: beau | 24 October 2005 at 08:44 AM
Probably very few. But they all seem to use the cliche: "Our goal isn't to make wines that impress wine critics."
Posted by: beau | 24 October 2005 at 08:45 AM
I actually don't hear many wineries here talking about making wines for the long haul...only one comes to mind.
I do hear the "don't make wine for critics" line all the time though...and that's easy to say because they aren't getting the 90+ ratings.
I'm sure they'd all lose their minds if they did though :)
Posted by: Lenn | 25 October 2005 at 12:08 PM