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17 November 2005

Slowly Bulding the Buzz

Macari2Some prefer the quick buzz.  I, however, prefer a nice, slowly building buzz that evolves into a roar.  Our little demonstration of blog power began with just a few bottles of Macari Cabernet Franc (Long Island, New York) sent to the following blogs:

Stephen kicked things off in a grand way by creating a recipe for the wine based on my initial tasting note.  Yesterday, Stephencooks reader, Dan, joined in the conversation:

"I'm a big fan of the Macari Cabernet Franc - I think it's one of the best ones on Long Island. One of the other things I like about Macari is their organic (and part of their vineyards are biodynamic) viticulture as well.

Cab Franc, by the way, is one of the ancestors of Cab Sauvignon - which is a cross between the Cab Franc and the white grape, Sauvignon Blanc."

I'm curious to see how our other freebie recipients contribute to this convo about Macari's Cab Franc.  I don't expect everyone to feel the same way as Stephen's reader.  In fact, I'm excited to see how the diversity represented by these five blogs shapes the Macari conversation.  More buzz roar coming soon..



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You sent some over to Andrew, eh? Great...but now I can't send him any! I guess I'll have to send something else!

I'll be reviewing this wine over the weekend for my column next week. I'll make sure I post my tasting note.


Thanks for noting my comment. Of course, anyone who disagrees with my assesment of this wine is just wrong. That's the way the wine world works! :-)

Feel free to send me any samples you like for commentary. It's nearly impossible to get U.S. wines here in Buenos Aires! One of the few things I miss about New York.


I've been hesitant to post about the Macari you sent... C's first reaction to it was "hollow", and I thought it was definitely "watery".

Cab Franc is one of my favorite varietals. I just love the flavor profile of the grape -- violets and greenness, some nice fruit to round it out, a bit of tannin to keep things interesting, with a bit of heft on the mid-palate.

Unfortunately, I felt that the Macari just didn't... I don't know... hold any weight. Some pretty spice flavors on the palate, but it just finished thin. And it FELT thin.

On the other hand, it was EXTREMELY easy drinking stuff; I guess it's just a little different a Cab Franc from what I'm used to.


Nothing wrong with that. Keep in mind that Long Island wines are normally about 1-2 or more percentage points lower in alcohol than California wines. They generally have a crisper character, but not as much fruit & 'power' as some blockbusters from the Golden State. If you were to compare a Chinon (cab franc), LI Cab Franc, and Cali Cab Franc, the LI would probably fight right in the middle, body-wise.

I don't expect everyone to feel the same about a particular wine. In fact, I was looking for a diversity of opinion.




Typica CA wine snobbery brought about by a an addiction to high-alcohol swill from the west coast! ;)

Obviously I'm joking...We'll just have to get Fatemah a bottle of one of the "bigger" local CFs...or just tell her NY doesn't want her back!

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