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21 November 2005

Funky Chicken Sauce

Funky_chickenHow often do you open up the fridge and see chicken, in some form or another, awaiting your culinary prowess?  I recently came to the realization that I need to seriously expand my original white meat repertoire.  Enter this epicurious-inspired sauce, my newest addition to the as yet unwritten/unpublished cookbook, Funky Chicken Sauce:

2 cups dry red wine (I recommend going with a lighter-bodied red over a tannic titan)
1.5 cups chicken broth
1.5 cups beef broth
2 fresh thyme sprigs
1 bay leaf
1.5 t butter, room temperature
1.5 t all purpose flour
1/3 cup seedless boysenberry preserves

Bring wine, broth, and herbs to boil in heavy large saucepan. Boil until reduced to 1 cup, about 45 minutes.
Mix butter and flour in small bowl to blend. Whisk butter-flour mixture into broth. Simmer until slightly thickened, about 2 minutes.
Stir in preserves; simmer 1 minute. Remove thyme sprigs and bay leaf.

Drizzle over roasted chicken or use it as a fancified dipping sauce for otherwise blasé chicken breast.

I taste-tested the sauce with two dramatically different wines: One of my faithful red Spaniards (Caño Toro Tinta de Toro 2001) and a unique Sauvignon Blanc from southern Austria (review coming soon!).  Both wines sang harmoniously on my tongue with this nifty sauce.


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