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18 November 2005

T is for Traminer

GewurztraminerFriday.  Brought to you by the letter, "T" - as in Traminer

Traminer is an ur-grape variety.  It's the progenitor of the more-aromatic, better known tongue twisting varietal, Gewürztraminer.  Traminer originated near the town of Termeno, in the northern Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige.  Traminer is still grown in Italy, Germany, Austria, and Romania.  There are also wines containing Traminer from Australia.  Unfortunately many wines labeled "Traminer" are actually Gewürztraminer as the names are often synonyms. 


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and don't forget about the ubiquitous Savignin...

bill again

oops savagnin...

Dave Brookes

There's a great Gewurtz from NZ called Johannashoff, from a tiny vineyard between Picton and Blenheim at the top of the South Island.....uber floral, viscous and head spinningly good stuff....the problem with the variety over this way is it naturally throws a lot of alcohol and can end up a bit gnarly...




I've tried two NZ Gewurz:
Huia - very good and had the alcohol under control.
Olssens - Holy alcohol batman! But still, it offered pretty good Gewurz character.

Bill, I guess I'm dim - what about Savagnin?...

Dave Brookes

Heya Beau,

Yeh that Huia is a goodie.....Spy Valley too...another is Vinoptima...pretty dodgy name but not a bad wine

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