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04 December 2005

The Lil Bastard

No, I'm not referring to "Bastardo," my favorite Portuguese grape-name.  I'm referring to what Lady Jancis calls, "the great success story of modern German vine breeding" (Oxford Wine Companion, 2nd ed.). Kerner was bred in 1969 after such successful (both semi- and un-) German corossings as Scheurebe, Huxelrebe and Faber. It was born in Württemberg, Germany from a red grape papa (Schiava) and Riesling. Rather than being named Riesava or Schiesling, it was named 'Kerner' after a local songwriter renowned for his drinking songs.

"Neunundneunzig Flaschen voller Wein auf der Wand..."

Kerner_bwThe Skinny
Abbazia di Novacella (Stiftskellerei Neustift) Kerner "Valle Isarco" 2004 ($19) [get it from one of these retailers]

  • From Italy's Alto Adige region
  • 100% Kerner
  • Very pale white gold in color
  • Fresh fruit scents of white peach & pear.  There also seems to be some apple cider notes as well
  • Lush, fresh flavors of nectarines with a little citrus zip. Simple, yet quite pleasant and drinkable. Overall, I would say this wine tastes something like a young, chubby Riesling.  It is indeed hefty, but possesses plenty o' acid to balance everything out

*** (3 stars out of 5)

This is a perfectly fine wine; although at twenty dollars, I think it's slightly overpriced.  For twelve - fifteen bucks, I would buy several bottles.  I might just buy another bottle anyway to see how the lil bastard ages.

Try it with one of Stephen's Brussels Sprouts creations or with Andrew's ham-enhanced sprout-nut dish.  The fruit flavors and heft are great foils to the nutty-bitter-spicy quality of the sprouts.


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Do buy another bottle and sit on it for 6-8 years, if you think there's enough fruit. Sounds like there's enough acids. I bet it will show more complexity with age.

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