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« Chinon + Porcini Cream = TLA | Main | Vouvray Madness »

10 January 2006

I like the tags, but the tags don't like me

In the last few posts, I've tried adding Technorati tags like this:

Tagged with: + + + Loire Valley + cabernet franc

But then when I click on the hyperlink or do a tag search at Technorati, my tags don't seem to have been taken up/accepted.  I regularly ping Technorati to signal an update.  but still it doesn't seem to be working. 

To any & all helpful tag-savvy bloggers:  What am I doing wrong? 

Tagged with: wtf + technorati + tags


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» A Pinot Meunier Primer from Winecast
Beau over at Basic Juice posted a nice overview of Pinot Meunier last week, but is having problems getting Technorati to index his tag. So at least this post will show up next to my lonely tasting note from 198 days ago. Check out his post, and help... [Read More]



It looks like the problem is that you're using "tag" instead of "tags" in the URL within the tag. For example, you're using chinon but it should be chinon.


i hate to disagree with Sandy but tag works for me.

I have WWW.technorati as the start of my link.

Have you 'claimed' your blog on technorati?


Beau: As an experiment, re-tag your PM post with this tag:


i think claiming your blog might help?


Thank you all for your suggestions.

I have tried the whole 'tag' vs 'tags' routine - to no avail.

My blog has been claimed on Technorati for many moons.

I've also tried Tim's suggestion - and still nothin (even with single word tags).

I mustv'e done something really mean during a game of tag in a previous life... (karma and all).


"Many moons"? Did you really moon the Technorati staff? I hadn't thought of that. Brilliant!

Don't despair too much, I have the same problem with tagging my blog about small farms. I think the problem MIGHT be with their so-called Beta version.

"Beta," as you know, is the Greek letter for #2, which means "doo doo."

I am as likely to dig up a post about ant farms ("small farms") with Technorati's tags as I am my own dear little darling little sweet little blog.

If you know what I mean. Seriously. I think they're just still in Beta mode.


I'm having the same issues, too. Getting some advices from my techie friends. Will advise when I hear back.

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