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30 January 2006

Monday Tonic


The cure for a gray, cold, downer Monday:

Listen to Lyle Lovett's "If I Had a Boat"
Swig some Prosecco
Pet a cat or two or a dog
Take your shoes off and sip a glass of Tawny Port
Contemplate micro-sized fishes
Dream about warm, sunny locales
Bake a potato, load it up with salt and butter and eat it out of a bowl
Discover a new Italian wine

Take two or three of these and call me on Tuesday.  Now excuse me, while I put some Lyle on the stereo..

.."And if I had a boat
I'd go out on the ocean
And if I had a pony
I'd ride him on my boat
And we could all together
Go out on the ocean
Me upon my pony on my boat"


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