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02 January 2006

Posts of the Year: the Finalists

Numerouno_4The votes, err vote, is in.  I present the Top 5 Wine Blog Posts of '05 as judged by moiThanks to all the nominees.  Overall the writing was excellent.  I've also added two honorable mentions; because I can.  Without further ado, The Top 5 (in alphabetical order):

1. the Caveman, "The Confluence - Damning Overmanipulation of the Juice" - Bill articulates his preference and philosophy of wine without putting down anyone who happens to possess an opposing view (this takes talent).

2. Dr. Vino, "Pouring one million cases" - We can tee-hee/snort/gaffaw on the Olive Gardens of the world all we want.  Yet restaurants like this often serve as 'mericans first foray into wine.  Thank heavens they actually have a wine program.

3. Lenndevours, "Long Island Whine" - Lenn does some investigation into the canard that "Long Island wine is overpriced."  He uncovers several compelling facts and opinions.

4. the Untangled Vine, "Silver Joke" - What does it mean to pursue the best Napa cabs?  Is there a difference between $100+ Napa headliners and lower priced, under-the-radar wines?  Adam adds a nice dose of truth into the mysticism surrounding the cult of Napa Cabernet.

5. the Wine Offensive, "Ice Wine: What Is, & What Really Isn’t" - An acerbic, witty explanation of Ice Wine.  After reading this, you might actually feel good about dropping a Benjamin or two on a 375ml of genuine eiswein.

Honorable Mentions:

Fermentation,Cynicism, Money, Wine and no Conscience” - Tom flips the rock on the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers Association by enumerating its political donations during the '04 election cycle.  The conclusion: They care about money - period.  Small producers, and direct retailers be damned.

750mL, “03 K Vintners, Walla Walla Valley En Cerise Vineyard “Ovide” - Tasting notes are often unbearably boring, even for wine lovers.  Nilay shows us that brevity and creativity make for an engaging tasting note.

I haven't awarded the top prize just yet.  I'm going to throw it out to you, fellow bloggers, and readers.  Take this week to read through the top five and then cast your vote (via email) for the top post.  The winner will be announced on January 9. Rock Sip the Vote!


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» Survey Suggests Wine Labels Mislead Consumers. from spittoon
Not so much the unbearably boring tasting note but dull labels put off the UK wine buyer. Are we as consumers mislead by wine labels and rely on interesting design instead? A report by a Chilean company revealed that nearly... [Read More]



Thanks for the cudos Beau. Don't we win Basic Juice underwear? Vacation is great, and heading off into the woods tommorow with champagne and other festive beverages..


The Basic Juice thong - just for you Bill.


It's an honor just to be nominated...

I want nothing to do with the underwear...Bill can have mine!

cincinnati wine warehouse

Underwear and wine. Now that's a great visual combo. Picking from one of the five posts above will be tough!


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