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27 January 2006

Sun Bath


Bussi's priorities: 1) find sunbeam 2) bathe 3) sleep 4) repeat


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» Friday Ark #71 from Modulator
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....? We will add you... [Read More]



Great series of images. Cute concept.

Cute cat, too.


I love the sequence - it's exactly what I do too when I see a sunbeam.

Lots of love

Boo the cat


Awww, I just love watching kitties bath themselves. Cute pics!


I love doing this to photos of my animals. They are so action-infused all the time it's hard to pick just one photo to I post them all in sequence! Cute kitty:)


I love doing this to photos of my animals. They are so action-infused all the time it's hard to pick just one photo to I post them all in sequence! Cute kitty:)

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I think it's a nice way to share experience about Sun Bath experiences so it would be helpful for others who are looking for some information about their issues.

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cool pics...loved that pics.

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Awww, I just love watching kitties bath themselves. Cute pics!


I think it's a nice way to share experience about Sun Bath experiences so it would be helpful for others who are looking for some information about their issues.

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