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04 January 2006

WBW17: "Kim"

WinebloggingWednesday #17, Red Kiwis, is hosted by the Cork Dork.  This morning I read Maggie's post, "Wne as Women," and was inspired to junk the initial tasting note, and go for something a bit more anthropomorphic.  Introducing....Kim (Kim Crawford Marlborough Pinot Noir 2003 [$16]):


Kim is an up and coming tap dancer.  She's new to it all, but many say she shows talent.  Some insist her style hearkens back to the classic fusion of African shuffle and English step dances.  Others, after seeing her perform, feel she has potential - yet believe a few more years of honing her craft may yield a masterpiece.  I saw Kim dance tonight.  Her style is compelling and immediately likable.  However, during her performance, I found my mind wandering, and longed for more complexity and variation in her dance.  I can't say that I wasn't at least partially engrossed by her performance.  In fact, the dance was over before I knew it.  Perhaps her style is best suited for a Wednesday evening?  For now, I'll hold on to my weekend reservation with the masters.   


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The Corkdork

Nicely done. She gets around, so look for her on a couple of other blogs. - CD


Nice review :)

I actually did the 2004 vintage for WBW, had pretty much the same view, decent wine that lacks some excitement.


Funny, but in this case, Kim is a man!!


i know. i was going with the whole, "wine as woman" theme (not winemaker as woman...that'd be wrong in this case)


I love it!

I skipped this WBW. Seeing your post makes me feel guilty. But I didn't want to drop a bunch of money on a Kiwi Pinot that had two left feet. Pretty feet, strawberry polish, strappy shoes.... But no ability to Lambada, si?


Indeed. Kind of like the same steps over and over: 1, 2, shuffle, twirl, tap, tap, hey! (repeated).

I longed to find a nonPinot from NZ but wasn't successful.


you need to try the kiwi pinot called 'two left feet' - it's nectar! produced in the wairarapa - greytown


Who makes 'two left feet' - do you know?


'two left feet' for those that cant google

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