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27 March 2006

Anglais, Francais, Franglais


Anglais, Francais, Franglais
(Moi, Stéphane Tissot, Cave Creature)

Mssr. Tissot is the vigneron for Domaine André et Mireille Tissot, located in France's Jura region (next door to Switzerland).  Stéphane is responsible for making some of the world's most unique wine.  His Chardonnay ('Les Bruyeres' ~$20) completely defies all expectations for Chardonnay-based wine.  Tissot also offers the Sherry-like wine called Vin Jaune.  My favorite however, was his Traminer (Dom. Tissot Arbois Traminer 2004 ~$20).  It's a mind altering mix of mountain herb scents and exotic fruit notes.  This wine dances across the tongue with a zesty jig and silky, rich waltz.  If you can find it (try or K&L Wines), snatch it up straightaway.

It's good to drink different.

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The caveman is definitly better looking than you.. have you lost weight? you dont look half as fat as you do in the pic with the glass in front of your face. Oh, change the shirt...


Simon Cowell? Is that you? What have you done with my normally polite pal Andrew?


I had to ugly him up a bit by making him drink 5 bottles of wine and a couple of beers the night before.. I also have on my new lip gloss...


Shhhhh. Ixnay on the five ottles-bay.


Beau - I liked the stylin' shirt. Wasn't it the first thing I said to you that day? My advice: don't let a guy from across the pond tell you how to dress!


what shade is that gloss bill? Looks very becoming.

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