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10 March 2006

Green Eyes


Bussi's Green Eyes


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» Friday Ark #77 from Modulator
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....? We will add you... [Read More]



A striking resemblance to my cat, Sheena. She is named after the Tanya Roberts character "Sheena of the Jungle" about a ferile child raised by tigers who, in the movie, bares it all. It's a horrible movie but with an unforgetable bathing scene. Ahh, but I digress... what was my point... Oh ya! Cats really don't like the smell of wine.


Ha. I had a black & white tuxedo cat who would stick his face in a wine glass and then run full speed to the bedroom - to hide under the bed.

clare eats

Must give Bussi no Kiri kibble....

Papilles & Pupilles

so lovely


Very beautiful!

bronchitis contagious

Ha. I had a black & white tuxedo cat who would stick his face in a wine glass and then run full speed to the bedroom - to hide under the bed.

bronchitis contagious

A striking resemblance to my cat, Sheena. She is named after the Tanya Roberts character "Sheena of the Jungle" about a ferile child raised by tigers who, in the movie, bares it all. It's a horrible movie but with an unforgetable bathing scene. Ahh, but I digress... what was my point... Oh ya! Cats really don't like the smell of wine.

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