Let me feed you
The blog addicts among us know just how cool feed aggregators like Bloglines and Rojo are. A few enterprising folks have fine tuned this concept and now offer sites that are essentially topic aggregators. Two that jump to mind are: Topix and Elbo.ws. Topix collects feeds from news sources and blogs. It also collects topical forum threads. The result is page-full o’ information, feeds and links about a particular topic like wine. Elbo.ws is a bit different. It’s dedicated to MP3 bloggers. It offers links to *freely* downloadable tunes from all over the planet - just to help you in your quest for happenin new music.
Over the last few days, I’ve been toying with hosting feeds on a variety of topics at Basic Juice (because there's nothing like sipping wine and clicking feeds). Given the fact that I’m a bit tech-challenged and I’m also trying to work within the Typepad framework, I’m not sure how well this little experiment will work. But, I’m asking you to humor me. Take a gander at the feeds listed at left under, “let me feed you,” and see if any of the headlines grab your attention. I’ll be shuffling the feeds around this week. If you have a favorite blog or topical site, feel free to leave a link in the comments.
[Update: It seems that Typepad only allows one to publish 5 feeds. I'll rotate feeds each week. Perhaps the nice folks at Sixapart could allow t.p. bloggers to publish more feeds??]