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« Song of the Day: Then drink to me, Babe | Main | A Rosetta Stone for Portuguese Wine »

17 April 2006

Mmm Canada!

Ohcanada (sung to the tune of O Canada)

Mmm Canada!
My friendly foodies, north!
Tasty food & wine you somehow sally-forth.

With wat'ring mouth, I raise my glass,
Wine of high quali-ty!

Such style and class,
I cheer on your Syrah - tis a beauty.

Lex, keep on posting recipes!
Eating these dishes is my life's duty

Mm Canada, I eat and drink with glee.

Dedicated to the magical pairing of pistachio-crusted beef with wasabi mashed potatoes (from Canadian foodie, Lex Culinaria) and Peninsula Ridge Syrah 2004 (from the shores of Lake Ontario).

The Skinny

Peninsula Ridge Syrah 2004 (~$20) [sadly this wine may be difficult to find]

  • 100% Syrah from the Niagara Escarpment in Ontario, Canada
  • Indigo in color with a light purple rim
  • Fresh raspberry and blueberry scents mated to black pepper and subtle tar notes
  • This is an impressively balanced wine.  It strikes a near-perfect balance of full flavor and delicate complexity.  There are light leathery tannins, crisp acidity and fresh fruit flavors.  At 12.5% alcohol, Peninsula Ridge's Syrah is no new world blockbuster - yet it is sure to satisfy even the most ardent fruitbomb lovers.  My only regret is that I didn't purchase a second bottle to age 3-4 more years.  I'm positive such patience would have been rewarded

As a table mate to Lex C's Pistachio-crusted creation, this wine was fabulous.  It didn't overwhelm any of the complexities in the recipe, yet it also possessed enough chutzpah to stand up to the acidity and spiciness of this Asian-influenced entree.  Dine-o-mite.

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wow, that good eh?

I haven't recieved my boxes yet but you make it sound so much like the wine that I was searching for last night...

Lex is a good site as well.



What, now everyone's searching for Syrah? Stock up for summer, I say. It won't be too hard for me to seek out this Peninsula Ridge... it's a five-minute drive from my folks' place.

Speaking of making an effort Beau, your reworked version of our national anthem is an effing HONOUR, man. No one does that for us!

Austria's looking like a pretty freakin' lucky country.


Boxes Bill??!!?
You do realize sharing is a virtue. Don't you? Please.

Marcus - I think I'm secretly Canadian at heart. I just realized that not only did I blog about a Canadian foodie blog and a wine from Canada, but the song of the day for Monday was by a Canadian artist! Guess I'll have to learn how to play hockey..


Love this post. Peninsula Ridge is a great winery, good winemaker over there.

Check out my blog dedicated to discussion and exploration of Ontario wines:


I think I'm secretly Canadian, too.

Michael Kitson


I enjoyed reading your blog and the comments. I was wondering if you and your readers could help us. We manufacture and distribute wine racks. We are getting more and more inquiries and business from Canada. That is cool because even though we are an American company, it is owned by Canadians. We are trying to get a handle on how big the market would be for our wine racks in Canada and whether it would be fruitful to open a distribution center to service our Canadian customers. Our web site is and our blog is Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Yours truly, Mike Kitson.

Michael Kitson


I enjoyed reading your blog and the comments. I was wondering if you and your readers could help us. We manufacture and distribute wine racks. We are getting more and more inquiries and business from Canada. That is cool because even though we are an American company, it is owned by Canadians. We are trying to get a handle on how big the market would be for our wine racks in Canada and whether it would be fruitful to open a distribution center to service our Canadian customers. Our web site is and our blog is Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Yours truly, Mike Kitson.

most romantic restaurant in edmonton

Canadian wine is to die for. Some of them have fulsome taste and wafting aroma. “The Continental Treat” invites all wine lovers to come over and enjoy the blend of lavish food and premium wine of the world!

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