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24 April 2006

Song of the Day: My Angel Rocks Back and Forth

Roundsw_1 I have no idea how to describe the electronica outfit known as Four Tet.  The group makes music that lands somewhere in the amorphous ambient genre.  However, Four Tet's sound refuses to play the role of audio accouterment.  This music will distract you to no end.  Some have described it as "folktronica."  The song, My Angel Rocks Back And Forth merges a ventillator and Koto, or perhaps music box, to form its thematic arc.  Layers of sound are added - bass, cymbal and wood block.  The result is a surprisingly warm, very organic melody, which is, in many ways reminiscent of a lullaby.

Listen to My Angel on Four Tet's site (scroll down to the album, "rounds").

On listen #3, I felt like a white Bordeaux.  Something along the lines of Chateau Carbonnieux.

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