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01 May 2006

An Austrian Grape Concordance

Concordancew There are approximately 30 grape varieties permitted in Austria's highest quality wine - called Prädikatswein.  Many of these varieties are indigenous grapes.  However, Austria also embraces a number of well known, international varietals.  Problem is; occasionally a grape is called by its local moniker, which of course, may cause confusion to us gringos.  To avoid at least a few instances of Austrian wine confusion, I've assembled this handy-dandy grape concordance for international grapes with local nicknames.

White Grapes
Chardonnay - known as Morillon in Styria (southern Austria), and occasionally, as Feinburgunder.

Muscat - (AKA Muscat Blanc a Petits Grains) - known as Gelber Muskateller, or simply, Muskateller.

Müller-Thurgau  - (a Riesling x Sylvaner hybrid) - also known as Rivaner. 

Pinot Gris - known as Ruländer or Grauer Burgunder.

Riesling - also known as Weißer Riesling.

Sauvignon Blanc - also known as Muskat-Sylvaner.

Scheurebe - also known as Sämling 88

Sylvaner (primarily grown in Germany) - also known as Grüner Sylvaner.

Red Grapes
Lemberger - known as Blaufränkisch, and as Kekfrankos by Austria's neighbor, Hungary.

Pinot Noir
- known as Blauburgunder, Blauer Burgunder or Blauer Spätburgunder.

Coming up: a grape concordance of Austria's native wine grapes.

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Careful, Beau! They've BANNED the name Feinburgunder since 1999. (Just didn't want you running afoul of the Austrian wine authorities during your tour. As I'm sure you are aware- Austria has some of the strictest wine laws in the world.)


Psst. Then we should probably tell Wines From Austria that the "F-word" is still listed on their site.

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