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07 August 2006

Got A.C.?

Accover Have you ever seen/heard of the magazine Art Culinaire.  This may be one of the best food/cooking/spirits publications* you've never read.  AC is a seasonally (4x/year) published magazine full of food porn (literally - large, glossy pics of the sexiest food you've ever laid eyes on.  This magazine is actually hard-bound and looks as good as any celeb-chef cookbook you're bound to drop $40 on.  When I paper-cut that space between my 1st and 2nd fingers with the subsription card (and yelled, "#$%%^!@") I noticed that one year of AC goes for $59.  For 4 issues of any old average food magazine, I would skoff, and say, "yeah right.  I'll pay for that."  However, I'll gladly fork over some dough for 4 beautifully bound recipe books containing such treats as:

*Full disclosure: Several months ago, I was interviewed for an article about funk (Gotta Have The Funk) for the Summer issue.  I promptly forgot about the interview until a copy of Art  Culinaire was sent to me by the interviewer.  I was honestly amazed by the quality and creativity of the publication - in spite of my lame-o quotes.

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Is it really that good? Do they do overseas subscriptions?


I think they do overseas subs. Pricey, yes, but really good recipes and photos (aka food porn)


I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



I love to cook for at free time. I am getting impressed by magazine as Cookbook. It is comfortable, portable, easy to understand and more enjoyable. Thank you so much for sharing such a nice information.

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