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02 August 2006

Loire Cramming

Textbooksbefore Greetings and welcome to WBW24....Wha?  Today is WineBloggingWednesday?!  Oy, I need to track down a Loire Valley white wine; and fast.

Of course, one of the most common whites of the Loire is Vouvray.  However, be advised: Your Vouvray May Vary.

After the varying Vouvray, you are likely to encounter Muscadet.  Keep in mind, Muscadet is not Muscat/Moscato/Muskadel/Muskateller/Moscatel.  Muscadet, like Vouvray, is named for the region.  The grape in Muscadet is called Melon de Bourgogne (slightly confusing, no?).  And don't worry, if you spot the term, "sur lie" next to 'Muscadet,' as you're in for a creamier wine sipping experience.

Naturally, if neither the Vouv nor the Musc do it for you, feel free to grab a Sancerre - particularly if you're fond of lime, citrus or feline micturation. 

Finally, if you are into the sweet stuff, give Coteaux du Layon, Bonnezeaux, Savennieres or Quarts de Chaume a go.

Now excuse me...I gotta run to the wine shop.

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Johannes Nielsen

I also did my cramming (and drinking). Click on my name and see my wine label collection from the lovely Loire region.

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