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18 August 2006

Poll: Big Time or Small Time?

Magnifying_glass_sm A new topic up for polling.

Do you think writing quality & creativity is markedly different between wine blogs and mainstream media publications?  If you were to read two excerpts from articles on the same topic, could you tell from what source(s) they originate?

Dust off ye olde wine-writing-quality-detector, read the two excerpts below and then take the poll.


You never let 'em see you sweat, right? You and your air-conditioning turned all the way up — at home, in the car, in the office, in the beach house — you like to see the others shiver. You're the man, starched and creased. While around you people wilt and melt into puddles, you're triumphant, with your big, expensive cabernet in the dark, chilly steakhouse...You're not the kind of guy who'd ever be caught dead with a prosecco, are you? What is that, you ask, some kind of girly wine? Hey, did someone turn off the air-conditioning? Now what will you do? It's getting hot. It's getting sweaty. You can't take it, can you? You've got to go? Exit, stage left!


Then, in the late 1800's, along came the ominously-named 'tank method' for producing a whole helluva a lot of Prosecco at once.  Indeed, Prosecco-based bubbly became less variable, more predictably sparkly, and often, quite dry.  Nowadays, if you grab a bottle of Prosecco off the shelf, it could be really dry, sort of dry or slightly sweet.  Of course there are also Prosecco producers who attempt to Maserati-ify this wine and sell it for luxe prices.  I don't suppose there is anything wrong with that.  However, for me, Prosecco will always be the bubbly I break out on a Friday night, on a picnic, or to sip après lawn mowing.

Web Polls by Vizu

see the results here.


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» Poll: Big Time/Small Time? from
Do you think writing quality & creativity is markedly different between wine blogs and mainstream media publications? If you were to read two excerpts from articles on the same topic, could you tell from what source(s) they originate? Dust off ye o... [Read More]

» Wine Blogosphere 08/21/06 from Celebrate Wine
The fall on the way, our thoughts turn to hearty red wine. Or at least mine does, but I will say after this summer I have a new appreciation for white wine. Vagablond is tasting, of all things, Pizza Wine... [Read More]



I've read excerpt 1 before, and I correctly recalled where. Is that cheating?


not cheating. just ixnay on the ourcesay

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