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« WBW#26: Where's Wino? | Main | Better Than Warm Apple Pie »

26 September 2006

Hot Topic

  1. Burnerw White wine doesn't necessarily need to be chilled.  In fact, over-chilling is all too common.  Discuss. (the Juice)
  2. Great-tasting, value-priced wine-in-a-box is a splendid idea - and those smart Spanish vintners are just the senors/senoras to deliver squared wine.  Discuss. (dr. vino)
  3. Wine blogs only write about obscure wines that most wine lovers have no hope of finding.  Thus, they are irrelevant.  Discuss (vinography; fermentation)
  4. Grape Radio is the kickassingest podcast around as evidenced by its receipt of the 'Podcast of the Year' award at the Podcast & Portable Media Expo.  Discuss. (hat tip WW)
  5. The song Obsession by Animotion is the perfect example of 80s pop music videos.  Discuss. (youtube)


Finally a T/F question:  I can neither dance nor rhyme, can I still make wine with the Juice Crew?  Answer: T, homey, T.


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Rick Dobbs

That is a *great* song. I remember now why they kept cutting away from the girl though, she's fugly.


Came here from

and was not dissapointed with the reccommendation. I'll be back daily for my fix!

Awesome blog.


Oh ma gawd. I had this huge crush on a guy named Chip when I was in 10th grade (he was a senior) and "Obsession" kind of felt like my theme song for that! Except I wasn't a scary stalker.

Look at the male singer's hair in the video! Ha ha ha ha! And her dress!


Kysela brings in a 3L box of Picpoul that I am dying to get into Seattle. I love Avec and am stoked they are proudly offering box wines. Glass pour prices would come WAAAY down, or at least would not be highway robbery.

I also believe all whites need to be chilled. Not iced-down in a water/ice solution for hours, or what I call "Budweiser-cold." Room temperature whites are fine for evaluation purposes, but I thrill for the chill.

I write about wines that come across my lips that elicit some kind of emotion, whether positive or negative. My wine blog is an expression of my ego and narcissism, and I am flattered that any person besides myself might find it remotely interesting.

Obsession is true old-school MTV perfection. Grade A cheez whiz. An incredible karaoke song as well.


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