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11 September 2006

Survey Sez

Robo-sommeliers and shelf-talkers be damned!  According to last week's poll (n = 45), 53% of you receive wine buying advice from real, live people.  33% take the advice of your wine shop's friendly salesperson, and 20% get help from a pal. 

Question:  Think of the last bottle of wine you purchased. Which of the following factors most influenced your decision to dole out dough for vino?


I appreciate the candor of the 8.9% and 11.1% of respondents who buy based on label prettiness and 'eenie, meenie', respectively.  And to the 8.9% who get their wine ideas from blogs:  May Bacchus bless ye.

Are there any other sources of your wine-buying assistance not listed in the poll?

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