The New Grunge
There seems to be a lot of discussion out there about how the Seattle hip-hop scene is similar to the Grunge scene of the early 90's (see this month's edition of Seattle Sound). The apparent similarity lies in the fact that SEA's hip-hop just might alter the music scene, much as Grunge flipped pop and glam-metal on its ear back in the day. Check out 2 up-and-coming Seattle hip-hop acts:
Common Market
Listen to track 4 'Connect for' (navigate to music -> audio/video)
Check out a live performance of Connect for in Bellingham WA (youtube)
Check out track 3 'Southside Revival
Watch 'Proletariat Blue' performed at Easy Street Records (youtube)
Thanks for turning me on to these guys, great stuff.
The new grunge though? This sounds like it already fits in to the downtempo genre. Grunge was a new sound that blended the Seattle punk with 70's rock to make something unique. Hard to say the same about this stuff.
Posted by: Rick Dobbs | 19 September 2006 at 04:34 PM
Rick D
I think the parallels being drawn have to do with how the movement is developing - not so much the style or 'hardness' of the music.
It could also be that people are stretching logic a bit thin by hoping that this hip-hop movement will be as succesful as grunge.
In any event - good tunes.
Posted by: beau | 20 September 2006 at 08:11 AM