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19 September 2006

The New Grunge

There seems to be a lot of discussion out there about how the Seattle hip-hop scene is similar to the Grunge scene of the early 90's (see this month's edition of Seattle Sound).  The apparent similarity lies in the fact that SEA's hip-hop just might alter the music scene, much as Grunge flipped pop and glam-metal on its ear back in the day.  Check out 2 up-and-coming Seattle hip-hop acts:

Common Market
Listen to track 4 'Connect for' (navigate to music -> audio/video)
Check out a live performance of Connect for in Bellingham WA (youtube)


Blue Scholars

Check out track 3 'Southside Revival
Watch 'Proletariat Blue' performed at Easy Street Records (youtube)



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Rick Dobbs

Thanks for turning me on to these guys, great stuff.

The new grunge though? This sounds like it already fits in to the downtempo genre. Grunge was a new sound that blended the Seattle punk with 70's rock to make something unique. Hard to say the same about this stuff.


Rick D
I think the parallels being drawn have to do with how the movement is developing - not so much the style or 'hardness' of the music.

It could also be that people are stretching logic a bit thin by hoping that this hip-hop movement will be as succesful as grunge.

In any event - good tunes.

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