Do Something Next Tuesday
That 'something' would be vote. If your congressperson has had an active role in turning the US congress into, "less-than-do-nothing," Or, if your representative is one of the dubious 10 worst legislators, I suggest throwing the bum out. Of course the only way to do this is by exercising your right to vote. So don't forget, next Tuesday, November 7, is your chance to be heard. Pull that lever! Alternatively, if your polling place has been Diebolded, you may wish to sing this little ditty on your way to the black box:
"Suspect Device" (original by Stiff Little Fingers) cover by Ted Leo + the Pharmacists (listen via eMusic, or live version mp3).
"Don't believe them
Don't believe them
Don't be bitten twice
You gotta suss, suss, suss, suss, suss
Suss suspect device"
Celebrate your vote by cracking open a little bubbly. You deserve it.
For the more politically active amongst us, you can also do more than vote, or call for change.
Technorati Tags: do nothing congress, ted leo, vote