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24 October 2006

Life Lessons

Nosanta_1 Difficult realizations one arrives at over the course of a lifetime:

  • There is no Santa
  • Parents aren't perfect
  • S/he is just not that into you
  • There is no free lunch
  • Life is, in fact, not fair
  • No matter how much you wish otherwise, that '99 Spanish Rioja Reserva is past its prime - scents of decaying log rather than wild berries in the forest


What wine life lessons have you learned?

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Opening that third bottle at midnight is frequently a bad idea.


Then it follows, I suppose, that the 4th bottle at 2am isn't a bright bulb above one's head either...


Certain wine magazines are terribly elitist when it comes to wine from places other than Calif., Oregon, Washington, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy, Chile, and Argentina.

AKA: "States like Michigan and Indiana don't have unique terrior. Well, if they do, then it's just icky." Certain wine mags.


Describing a wine as "flacid" in a tasting room will not be well received by anyone owning a penis.


#1 when you realize that 75 centiliter is sometimes too small a container...

#2 when you realize 12 centiliter is so big a container that you wished some powercut could come and allow discreet emptying...


WW -
I can just see the comment spam come a-rollin in:

"got flacid Merlot? Try Vinozyte! Free! Or your money back*!"

*minus 45% of purchase price and S&H


To add to John's emerging wine theorem: opening the bottle at midnight is unwise, but if said bottle then leads to the opening of the Drambuie or Gentleman Jack, things will only get worse.


It seems, to me at least, that fashionably large wine glasses cry out to be filled as often as smaller ones.


Craig - too true. Whenever I use the wee tasting glasses, a bottle seems to last forever. On the other hand, when the gold fish bowls-with-stems come out, the bottle disappears in minutes.


Seems the lesson I've learned in this Wine Life is that there's always too much quarter left at the end of the 12-bottle wine club shipment.

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