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12 March 2007

Shake it off


Shake it off.  Type through it.  Don't let the tendonitis win.  Wuss.


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Dr. Debs

Jeez. It looks like you should be in traction, not typing!

Dr. Vino

Wow! Is that you? What dedication!

Have you tried Dragon Naturally Speaking software? David Pogue raves about it.


Geez, Beau, it's hard to say which is worse for someone who must write - my iritis or your tendonitis! Golly, I hope you can lift and pour a 750ml bottle OK....

Lenn up and feel better soon! We admire the dedication, but would rather have you around for the long haul!


Ouch! A glass of wine or two should clear things up a bit! :)


Ah, man. That looks painful.


Excellent way to said the truth through one picture. I hope you can still doing this. I mean, posting and searching useful things to share. I really appreciate this kind of information.

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Geez, Beau, it's hard to say which is worse for someone who must write - my iritis or your tendonitis! Golly, I hope you can lift and pour a 750ml bottle OK....


Bad advice for your part. We can't ignore tendonitis and play on. We could damage our cartillages.

Florence Carole

I have to agree that you shouldn't ignore tendonitis. You should also visit optometrists to check if you have a computer vision syndrome since you spend hours in front of your laptop.

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You have a lot of nerve cuz I broke my hand some months ago and I couldn't write and not even going to the restroom.

podiatrist Long Island

That looks painful. What happened bro? I think you should give your hands a rest until the cast is taken out.

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