Beu put out a request on his Basic Juice blog for food suggestions. The wine was to be a Toaky Pinot Gris Vendange Tardive. Now not being familar with the producer or the specific wine I assumed being a VT that there would be some sweetness to it. This recipe I came across the other week while reseraching for my own What Wine With Gewurztraminer article.
No idea where it comes from orignially as it is just a couple of scrumpled pages I saved from years ago. And I must also admit to not actually trying this myself, although I did produce the Spiced Duck Breasts dish for my Gewurz!
Duck Liver With Apples (serves 4)
- 4x 100g Escalopes of Duck Liver
- 600g apples
- 30g butter
- 80g Raisins
- 1 pinch Cinnamon
- 2.5dl Tokay Pinot Gris
- 1 dash Lemon Juice
Soak the raisins in the Tokay for two hours and allow them to swell. Peel and quarter the apples and cook gently in the butter. Add the drained raisins and a pinch of cinnamon. Season the duck liver escalopes and coat them in flour. Fry the liver. Reduce the Tokay Pinot Gris add the lemon juice and our over the duck liver and apple-raisins.
To be honest I do not care much for raisins, They are not so bad in fruit cake but savoury dishes - even this one with some sweetness - they are just not right.
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