By Lenn, New York
I love Wine Blogging Wednesday, the virtual wine tasting event that
brings people from around the globe 'together' for a day of wine
tasting. I love the people I meet and new friends I make each and every
month. I love learning about wine regions I'll most likely never visit.
And, I love bringing new wine lovers into the fold and showing them
that wine need not be scary.
This month, our little tasting group swelled to an all-time high of 43 entries as we filled our glasses with the most local wines possible.
Rather than break the roundup into regions or varietals or anything of that sort, I'm going to just list them as I received them. That way, you'll get to enjoy the posts the way I did...traveling from region to region and getting a little taste of each.
Alan of Maona had to leave his own island of Oahu and head over to Maui...finding Tedeschi Vineyards. When their vineyard were first planted, the winemakers started making from pineapple as the vines matured. It's this Maui Blanc has become quite popular and that's the wine Alan sipped for us -- even if he wasn't crazy about it.
Back on the mainland, The CorkDork brings us a taste of the Livermore Valley in California, filling his glass with 1999 Thomas Coyne Syrah. One of the many participants from Cali, the CorkDork really liked this one...and it's price.
Few of us probably think about Georgia as a big time wine region, but Tiffany from cultured wino is a GA resident, so she picked up a bottle of non-vintage Walasiyi White. She cheated a little and could have drank a bit more local. But we'll let her slide because she openly admitted her guilt.
After double-checking distances online, I turned to a bottle of Roanoke Vineyards 2000 Merlot I've had for a few months. Sadly, my head cold kept me from enjoying it all that much. But, I still say it's a great deal even at $38.
Hopping across the pond to visit Andrew of A Life of Luxury, this first-time WBWer found a winery only 12.7 miles away -- Chilford Hall Vineyard. He went with the 2002 IzaBel Label, which is a blend of Huxelrebe,Schönburger, Müller Thurgau and Siegerrebe. He said he might buy it again...but it's a little pricey for what it is.
Jennifer, a fellow New York State resident, joined the WBW fray for the first time too, finding a small producer that I'd never heard of, Pheasant Ridge Vineyards. This is a new LENNDEVOURS favorite blog. She enjoyed the discovery and will be back.
Elise, another of the many Golden Staters, shrugged of Bogle Vineyards for the event because it's so well known, choosing a spicy Barbera from Lava Cap Winery. She has some nice pictures in her post too.
Chas, everyone's favorite Texan wine taster, sought out a "Super Texan" sangiovese. I'll admit to having never tasted a Texan wine, but this one sounds like a winner.
Richard may "heartNYC" but as a New Jersey resident, he had to drink something from the Garden State. After getting over nightmares of Boones Farm, he came upon Alba Vineyards 1999 Heritage red, which he deemed a "good discovery."
One of my favorite wine bloggers, Cam Wheeler of Appellation Australia, brings us a review of a less-than-stellar local chardonnay. He gave it a bad score and termed it a poor value. Better luck next time, Cam.
After watching WBW from the sidelines for a few months, the doctor is finallly in -- Dr. Vino that is. The good doctor found North Salem Vineyard, which makes some of their vino with Long Island grapes. You knew I had to mention that, right?
The ultimate California wine blogger, Carolyn had many options as a Napa resident, though she was glad to not be neighbors with some of the high-end boutique wines. That would have made WBW an expensive proposition. She settled on Robert Biale Vineayrds, which sounds like a great visit.
Another flight to the UK brings us to yet another Andrew, this time the superstar of all U.K. wine blogging -- Spittoon. I think the opening line of his post says it all: "I cant think of a nicer wine than the one I have just drunk with my lunch."
The Culinary Fool kicked off WBW for the Seattle contingent. Unfortunately, a cold kept the fool from enjoying her local bounty. Hopefully she'll feel better and post about a local vino soon!
Heading south to the Bay area (and back to California again), the always entertaining Sam found the nearest producer...but couldn't get her lips wrapped around any of their wines. I hope she follows through and gets to taste some soon.
Our next stop on the WBW world-wide tour is the Iberian Peninsula where Ryan introduces us to some wine from Madrid. He gave his selection a 90 it must be a good one.
Back in California, I'm Mad and I Eat discovered Pey-Marin
Vineyards, but then bought a wine by the same vinters but under a
different label -- Mount Tamalpai Vineyards Merlot. But, I can't figure out if the wine was actually consumed ;)
blogosphere's first true superstar, Clotilde, somehow found the time to
introduce us to the wines of Montmarte Vineyards because "(She) just
cannot be a proud Montmartre citizen and miss an opportunity to write
about the Montmartre vineyards." It's always great when Clotilde joins
us, but I'm diappointed she wasn't able to taste any of the wines, which are only auctioned off during a yearly we all missed out! Next time!
Next, we head (again) back to California to check in on Derrick and his Obsession With Food and Wine. Recently, two producers wineries — Dashe Cellars and JC Cellars — moved into a shared facility just a few blocks from his apartment. Now that's local.
No WBW would be complete without Alder over at Vinography participating. This time, he only had to travel 2.7 miles to bring us his notes on 2001 York Creek Winery Cabernet/Meritage, owned by Fritz Maytag (yes, of the Maytags). I'd like to visit the tasting room and then head across the street for a little Anchor Porter.
Carrick from is a WBW newbie and Seattle resident who has often "wondered about this urban winery" -- Wilridge Winery, which specializes in single-vineyard bottlings. Though not confident with wine descriptors, I think "it was like drinking heaven" more than suffices.
Back in England, Melissa of Hecticium was visiting her parents as she tasted the wines of Denbies Wine Estate, which boasts the largest vineyard in all of England. She was impressed, noting "All in all a fantastic vineyard."
After being tempted to cheat, Sound and Fury brings us a 2004 pinot gris from Cooper Mountain Vineyard. While "somewhat out of balance" the wine was "very decent" because of it's $12 price tag.
Alice of Tea Time (another WA resident) made up for lost time (she
hadn't participated in WBW since the 7th vintage) by tasting two local
selections. I'm glad she decided agasint Chateau Ste. Michelle and
Columbia Winery...even if the wines she did choose came up a bit short in the flavor department.
in Washington, Viv of Seattle Bon Vivant enlisted a little help in
finding Cadence Winery, which is apparently in the heart of an
industrial area. And it sure sounds like.Viv had the type of wine experience that she'll remember for a long time.
Barbara of Winos and Foodies cheated, I'm going to let it slide because
she drank local -- just from her childhood home. After tasting her Xanadu Cabernet Sauvignon 1999, she wishes she had bought more.
Winecast's creator, Tim, drank REAL local a whie back, so I let him
slide on the rules this time and drink from the second-closest winery
in Minnesota. In keeping with the theme, he only reviewed the wines
made with locally grown grapes.
a love of "wines on a cheap budget" that has (for some reason) kept
them from joining us, the folds at Belly-Timber finally signed on for
WBW this month. They also hail from WA, and tasted some wines from San Juan Vineyards, which is a mere 5.3 miles away.
Kelly, everyone's favorite Occasional Epicure, brings us a brief, but positive review of a local Aussie rose.
had been a while since I heard anything from one of you California
types, but then Sarah brought her DeliciousLife to the rest of WBW by
sampling a 2003 Sauvignon Blanc from Foley Estates in Santa Barbara County.
The tasting team at Purple Sunshine bring us a taste of Louisiana wine...even if it tastes " though someone extracted all the juice from a fruit or a vegetable and then made wine from the leftovers." Not a ringing endorsement, but an adventure nonetheless.
Kate takes us back to Washington State with a bottle of Chateau Ste. Michelle Eroica Riesling. I've seen this wine a million times in most every wine shop around my house...but have never tried it. It sounds like one I might enjoy...and Kate summed it up with "I liked it."
By the time I got Marta's post about yet another Washington State Winery, I was beginning to wonder where WBW would be without the WA contingent. I'd never heard of Chatter Creek, but I may have to seek out their wines.
The always-busy Pim of ChezPim found time to join us this month. Unfortunately, my company's firewall is blocking her site you'll have to check out her post for yourself.
This Heaven Gives Me a Migraine's very own Kieca tasted a 2002 Tempranillo from York Creek in Sonoma County. She and Alder must be neighbors.
I'm sure most of you have seen Gekkeikan plum wine and sake before, but Fethiye lives right around the corner from the winery -- and realized it on the way to work one day.
She may have been a day late, but cheers to Fatemah for relying on Derrick's research to find her most local producer -- Dashe Cellars. Even if she didn't do the research herself, she did taste a different wine, a 2002 Dry Creek Zinfandel, which is no surprise for this admitted "zinfandel junkie."
For Joel's birthday, Kelly took him on a tour of local wineries...which worked out well for WBW. All of you wives, girlfriends and significant others better be paying attention ;)
Bill points out that I never said "commercial" producer, before selecting David Street Vinters and Wyncroft. Some winners in there for sure it seems.
Two days late, Jathan from Wine Expression chimed in with a bottle of Concannon 2002 Petite Syrah, Livermore. I've liked every Concannon bottle I've ever tasted...and this guy has them close by.
Beau, our lone Utah resident participant, pokes a bit of fun at himself with his post because he turned WBW into Wine Blogging Saturday. But we'll give him a little slack...he did find Spanish Valley Vineyard Riesling in nearby Moab, even if it wasn't all that tasty.
She blamed it on TypePad, but Kristin was late too. She wasn't at home in NY for WBW because she was visiting, you guessed it, Washington State. So, she chose a Walla Walla wine nearby -- Seven Hills Winery 2002 Merlot. The price of this bottle was "About $30 (and worth every cent!)." Should we give her a pass on her tardiness?
Our 43rd and final participant, Ben Carter seems to have posted his entry on Wednesday, but I didn't find out about it until after the weekend. Regardless, he takes us to another out-of-the-way wine region...Tennessee.
So there you have it. I'd just like to thank each and every one of you for participating in this, the most successful WBW to date. I must admit, if WBW keeps growing, I may avoid hosting ever EVER again. It took a lot longer to do this roundup than I expected ;) If I missed any TrackBacks, please just let me know and I'll add them.
Keep an eye out for the annoucement for September's Wine Blogging Wednesday. I think you all know the hostess...and are going to really enjoy the theme.